Thursday, July 22, 2010

20th anniversary week continues! yesterday was our "official" anniversary day.
Our picnic has been put off until this evening, and it will be in front of the TV catching up on Burn Notice.
We had a bit of a situation to deal with last night. Bjorn crashed on his bike commuting home from work.
This meant I had to assist with hosing him down with Bactine and applying some bandages. We only had energy for some
Mexican take out after that (and watching some season 2 of True Blood).

Woohoo! who says we don't know how to celebrate?


  1. It's very appropriate that one of you spent your 20th anniversary in great pain, considering the events surrounding your wedding. I had contemplated reprising my own role in the ceremony by commandeering a random pulpit during daily mass and reading that passage from Genesis....only this time without collapsing into a fit of snorts and guffaws. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Well I did take out my left knee (IIRC DotWonder broke her right knee) but a knee is a knee.

    At least I can still walk - no cast/splint.

  3. Bjorn can push his own darn wheelchair. :-)

  4. I'm not even sure you're actually married, as Dot was so full of narcotics at the wedding she was probably not legally able to enter into a contract...
