Monday, September 10, 2012

Boy - two posts in one day...

what is the world coming to? i just found this blog again maybe i'll keep at it and maybe i won't topics welcome

ever ask yourself a question like this...

why am i doing what i'm doing? today is not the day it was supposed to be maybe i should just crawl back into bed when you find yourself in this situation, what do you do?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Help some animals in need? why yes of course!

(an email i got from a coworker)
Hello everyone,

I'm emailing you with a heavy yet hopeful heart. There are special people that we meet in rescue - people we know from the very bottom of our rescue hearts that will do anything they can for the animals in their care. People that will go without food in order to feed their rescue animals because the person can understand the hunger but the animals cannot.

I would like to introduce you to a rescuer that I feel embodies all that is wonderful about rescue. His name is Hank. Hank runs the Kindred Spirit Animal Rescue Center in Fairdealing, Missouri (population 1,381). He also drives the local school bus.

The first time that I worked with Hank, it was to help him with Lab puppies that he needed to get to Kansas City, MO. He'd reached out to a fellow rescuer in Missouri for help because he'd never transported any of his rescue animals very far and was so delighted that others could help him place more of animals outside of his region in Missouri.

I was delighted to help Hank with that transport (and many since then) and am always over the moon when one of our transports ends up in his monthly newsletter. Yes, he writes a monthly newsletter in order to celebrate each and every adoption that takes place - it's a beautiful newsletter that I know takes him a lot of time to write but he always takes the time to do it because each and every animal that comes into his keeping is no different than if they were his own companion animal.

Why am I sharing all of this? Yesterday, I received an email from Hank that simple broke my heart - both because of its content but also because I know it broke Hank's heart to write it. It was an email notifying his rescue network that he cannot take in any puppies at this time because of what it cost to get several litters of puppies ready to travel to out-of-state rescues. Litters of puppies are very expensive to vet - especially to a rescue that isn't receiving an adoption fee to offset the costs. It can be anywhere from 2-12 dogs incurring charges simultaneously - can you imagine how quickly those charges add up?

I don't want Hank to have to turn away AND animals during this cold winter season so I am asking for your help. Hank did NOT ask for me to send out an email - this is 100% all me. I believe in Hank with all my heart and wish that I could cover the amount of his veterinary bill on my own but I simply can't so I'm sending this message to everyone that I know - my comrades in rescue, my personal friends and my family. Specifically to my friends and family - in lieu of a gift this year, please make a donation to Kindred Spirit Animal Rescue Center.

You can donate online by clicking on the following link:

Help Kindred Spirit Animal Rescue Center

You can also mail in monetary donations and supplies (blankets, raw hides, toys, collars, leashes, etc) to:

Kindred Spirit Animal Rescue Center

HC 1 Box 3977

Fairdealing MO 63939

Thank you for taking the time to read this message. Please remember that no donation is too small.

For those of you unable to donate, I ask that you share this message and keep Hank in your thoughts and prayers.

There is no one else to lead the charge down in Fairdealing, Missouri. Please help Hank to continue to be able to help the homeless animals in his region. It's his passion and his life.

With much love and respect,


Monday, November 8, 2010

Long Time No Blog

i really stink at this updated blog posting resolution i made a few months ago.
maybe i'll get better
maybe not

Monday, September 27, 2010


it's a beautiful day and the sun is shining and it's over 70 degrees.
why do i feel so "bleah"?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A book I have to read....

heard about a book called "You Ruined it for Everyone! 1010 People Who Screwed Things Up for the Rest of Us" by Matthew Vincent.

link to story in USA today by clicking on the title to this post

I'm an anglophile, and the cold toast thing always bugs me....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What to do when you have to go

This blog is about restrooms

Bathrooms, toilets, WCs, know what I mean.

This should be simple, but when you're in a foreign country, it's sometimes nerve-wracking.

First time I was in Tokyo, just off the airplane. I go thru customs and run to the nearest toilet I could find. I go in, go to the first stall and was confronted with a gutter, or a drain. Not sure what to call it (an in-ground sink?), but it sure as heck wasn't the familiar stool that we encounter here in the US. It's more common in Japan (and in other countries) to find a "squat toilet", kind of like peeing on the ground. Only it's not the ground, it's porcelain and has water and a flusher, but you pretty much have to squat. I never really got the hang of this, since my balance is precarious. Suffice to say that I took to wearing skirts, or got used to undressing from the waist down in order to answer the call of nature!

WIkipedia has nice explanations and photos so you can see what I mean:
(or click on the title of this blog post too)

I've also encountered squat toilets in Europe too (the top of St. Peter's in Rome comes to mind!)

Besides Japanese toilets, I've also learned that when traveling, it's good to keep some things in mind:

Some restrooms will have attendants and they expect a tip. Sometimes in exchange for a tip, they will give you a few squares of really scratchy toilet paper.

Some restrooms will have attendants that expect a tip and don't even give you some scratchy TP in return. I always pack travel size tissue packs for this purpose.

Some restrooms have no attendant, so always good to come prepared with tissues and even hand sanitizer.

McDonald's tend to have recognizable bathrooms that no one will hassle you for using if you don't buy anything (though if you like ICE COLD milk, this is the place to find it)

Places like Brazil have little covered wastebaskets that you put ALL paper waste into (even when I stayed at a fancy, hermetically sealed chain like a Hilton in Sao Paolo) since the systems can't handle the paper.

Always good to search out information on this stuff. Maybe it's because i'm a woman, but peeing seems to be more of an issue for me than my husband. He can even pee into the gutter in Japan and no one even looks twice (only really works late at night, when every other salary man is off work and out for a few drinks with friends!)

Happy Travels!